Trump praises India's unity in diversity

| | Ahmedabad
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Trump praises India's unity in diversity

Tuesday, 25 February 2020 | PTI | Ahmedabad

India embraces freedom, liberty, individual rights and the rule of law, and is admired around the globe as people of different religions worship side by side in harmony, US President Donald Trump said on Monday, lauding the  country's accomplishments during his maiden State visit here.

He noted that India has an incredible potential and Prime Minister Narendra Modi is laying the foundations of its future. Hailing India's diversity, the US President said its unity is an inspiration to the world as it is known for its democracy, tolerance and peace.

“India is a country that proudly embraces freedom, liberty, individual rights, the rule of law, and the dignity of every human being.

“Your nation has always been admired around the earth as the place where millions upon millions of Hindus and Muslims, Sikhs and Jains, Buddhists, Christians, and Jews worship side by side in harmony,” he said while addressing a packed Motera stadium at the 'Namaste Trump' event here.

“The story of the Indian nation is a tale of astounding progress, a miracle of democracy, extraordinary diversity, and above all, strong and noble people.

“India gives hope to all of humanity. In just 70 years, India become an economic giant, the largest democracy ever to exist and one of the most amazing asians anywhere in the world,” Trump said.

 The potential for India is absolutely incredible, he said while noting that India's rise as a prosperous and independent nation is an example for every nation all over the world and one of the outstanding achievements of the century.   It is inspiring because India has achieved all this as a democratic, peaceful and tolerant country, he said.       



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