If we accept ourselves and love who we are, we can change all those aspects about ourselves that we are not comfortable with, says Sarita Mathur
In this world of constant buzz, we really lose touch with reality — our inner cove. Our peace of mind is completely lost as we juggle between chores, work and the virtual world.
When will we ever stop? This is indeed a rhetorical question with only one answer — Now. Now is the new three letter word. Now is the time to look inward and see reality as it actually exists. The core self: our inner peaceful nature where the world is calm and unhurried and stillness reigns supreme. From this stillness comes the intelligence of the universe harnessed by a calm mind.
It just takes a few minutes, maybe 10 minutes of your time, to enjoy solitude. All you need to do is wake up in the morning and take a few minutes to just breathe slowly in and out while focusing on the breath. This will prevent thoughts from crowding into your brain.
Most people do not want to go to another room or into a garden. They feel lazy early in the morning and before they know it, they stretch out and, in their hand, they find their world — the cell phone. This is the cocoon generation with the world in the palm of your hand.
Out comes Facebook, Messenger, WhatsApp and time alone is lost. Hours can go by with just that little click — that tiny tap on the cell phone. It is other people’s thoughts, ideas and emotions. The virtual world is never completely real.
Here, people are able to mask their feelings and portray themselves as what they want others to see them as. They want their profile to be liked by people who they know. It is exciting if people they do not know like their picture or what they have posted. A friend request is sent and a virtual friend made. Eventually, this can make us feel lonely as we are constantly looking for validation. A day off their cell phone with its myriad possibilities will drive them crazy. Take time out for yourself.
Happiness is finding the inner strength which enables us to go about our life at peace with ourselves.
Solitude is about accessing our own thoughts and feelings. The world too will start changing as we find peace and calm within the recess of our mind. In the beginning this is difficult but if you persevere, you will start enjoying your own company.
In our quest to keep busy, we have forgotten what our soul desires. Keep the cell phone away first thing in the morning. There might be withdrawal symptoms before the quiet of mind sets in. Spending time with yourself is truly beneficial. You will begin to understand and know yourself. Then gradually you can sow the seeds of abundance through visualisation.
Many people are worried by the word — meditation. Indeed, it is scary as the mind keeps up a chatter as thoughts crowd in. Once you live in present-day awareness, you will enjoy your own company.
Being alone is not a curse. It is a necessity of life. It helps you to draw circumstances into your life and change your destiny. Spending time with yourself helps you to find the bliss of solitude. Our interaction with people improves because we have a new found confidence in ourselves and our abilities. We do not seek validation for our thoughts and actions. Happiness is totally within our grasp. We are happiness and peace .That is our true nature
Finding and enjoying time with ourselves gives us space to be at peace, always at ease with ourselves. It enables us to spend quality time with those who support our goal and who share similar interests as us. It’s out with gossip and idle talk and in with conversations which keep us happy and motivated.
So, to experience love of life and good quality relationships, we need to love ourselves and enjoy our own company. Then we realize that solitude is not feeling lonely. However, it is enjoying our own company while living in peace and harmony with the world around us. As always, the starting point is the inner world.
The writer is the author of Once Again Love: Reconnecting with the Heart