Raipur Railway Division under South East Central Railway (SECR) zone is now facilitating paperless ticketing by introducing unreserved ticket system (UTS) on mobile App through QR (Quick Response Code).
Passengers can now book their unreserved tickets through the mobile app.
The passengers can book ticket through QR code of the railway stations under Raipur division. Raipur, Durg, Bhilai, Power House, Bhatapara and Tilda-Nevra are the stations provided with QR code.
The QR code in sticker form has been fixed at booking, enquiry and station premises. Using these stickers, the passengers through their mobile phones can book the ticket for the destination. The mobile application is available on both android and IOS mobile phone. Regular information regarding the booking of tickets through UTS on mobile App is also provided to the passengers at Help Booth/Assistance centre.
In month of April 2019, through mobile application around 1,07,338 passengers brought ticket which is around 4.8% of unreserved category. Thus, the revenue generation through unreserved ticket in month of April is 1.15 percent of total revenue.
Division Commercial Manager Aditya Gupta said that in second quarter of current fiscal year, the target kept for revenue generation from unreserved ticket is 5 percent while the target is 10 percent in terms of number of passengers.
Railway administration has informed railway passengers that they can obtain the UTS on Mobile App through Google play store and App store of IOS. Passengers can also obtain more details from help desk.