Amidst a stream of devotees pouring in from different parts of the Jharkhand for a glimpse of the Dhori Mata, the 9-days-long festival ended on Sunday with observance of the traditional Missa Puja. The valedictory function held at Dhori Mata Tirthalaya ground in Jarandih was graced by Bishop Anand Jojo of Hazaribagh.
The function got to a resounding start with the rendition of folk songs and dances by women and girls from the neighbouring localities of the district. Singing Dhori Mata samorohi Missa hymns in praise of Dhori –Mata –having resemblance to Mother Mary –they guided as many as 20 Christian priests to the pedestal on which the deity was installed.
This was followed by the formal inauguration of the concluding portions of the rituals by Bishop Anand Jojo,Bhisop Bhinset Barwa,Fr Boniface Marandi,Pradeep Toppo,Fr Nobert Lakra. The recitation of verses from the Holy- Bible by the nuns of Saint Anna added a beautiful dimension to the occasion.
While the local committee official member Wilson Francis told the pioneer that the pilgrims arriving from far and wide waited anxiously for their turn to glimpse the deity from close quarters. Devotees stated thronging at the Dhori Mata Tirthalaya since October 19, when the festival began.
The committee management had made elaborate arrangement to accommodate the devotees coming from distance places to participate in the festival. While the SDPO, Bermo Anjani Anjan and local police in charge of Bokaro Thermal police station Umesh Kumar Thakur have also made elaborate security arrangements for the Dhori Mata festival scheduled for Saturday and Sunday.
Many other dignitaries including Ex-minister of Jharkhand Rajendra Prasad,ASJU leader Lambodar Mahto,Adl collector J.Minz ,Dy SP Rajesh Kujur ,Adl SP Mrs Kujur and others were present.