What keeps old folks going?

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What keeps old folks going?

Sunday, 30 September 2018 | Ajit Kumar Bishnoi

What keeps old folks going?

Faith in God and genuine attempts at following His teachings ensure that an individual has sound health and leads him/her to a blissful old age, says AJIT KUMAR BISHNOI

There are many compelling reasons. But before I get into their details, let me enumerate some of the main challenges of old age. The common thread which runs through all is the weakening of the body due to slowing down of the cell division. And if one has not paid attention to one’s body or there are genetic problems, the problem becomes more acute. Monetary difficulties come close second if one has not saved enough. It is so hard to earn when the body is weakening. Reducing the standard of living is very hard; raising it is so much easier. When one is forced to do so due to monetary consideration, life becomes quite tough. Many give away their security under emotional considerations and suffer greatly.

The third big challenge is loneliness. Human beings need company at all ages because we are intrinsically very small. In old age, it is a must. If one has not managed to find suitable company in the form of a life partner and extended family, there is trouble looming ahead. Lack of motivation to live is another big challenge. There must be a deep desire to do so for some reason. Inadequacy of a suitable support system is another huge drawback. This has links with monetary resources, family, friends, etc.

These challenges appear very daunting but people generally manage and some manage quite well. Let us examine how the successful ones do so. Some have unfinished duties like family responsibilities which keep them going; they are focused on them. Some have highly valued goals like good writers have, especially spiritual ones. It is very hard to develop unflinching faith in God, who indeed is a reality. Spiritual writing helps to convince oneself. Eminent doctors, lawyers, etc. remain gainfully engaged almost to the end of their lives. They feel satisfied both by what they earn and the attention they get.

Love of family is another strong factor to want to live. Family bonds are great glues to give meaning to life. Attachments also do the same but they have negativity linked to them, especially if one is attached to material objects. Fame/attention is really craved and one who gets it in plenty wishes to go on living. One has lots of ways to be able to enjoy like a rich person is able to. Then, one does not need other reasons to go on living. Good physical health in old age makes it very pleasant when one has plenty of time to enjoy.

If the mental health is sound, then everything appears positive and one sees everything as zero plus. Good companionship of say a loving spouse is a real boon. Both want to give love to one another. Spiritually inclined persons live in their own world having the best company, ie of God. Financial security is highly satisfying as it is helpful in old age with almost inevitable health issues. Sound support system makes one feel secure. As mentioned earlier, a soul is quite helpless by himself or herself.

I have detailed many ways as to how people can make a blessing out of the difficult periods of one’s life in terms of health, finances, etc. The very first requirement for happy old age is a good connection with God, who is the repository of peace, which is essential for happiness. Simple living will go a long way towards financial security in old age. Why get used to unnecessary expenses in order to show off. Mental health is guarantee if one is a devotee of God. Good physical health remains the backbone for satisfactory old age.

Bishnoi is a spiritual writer and can be reached at spiritual@ajitbishnoi.com  

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