A mega tree plantation drive was launched by Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal by planting a sapling at the Yamuna floodplain in Usmanpur village. As part of this drive, the Delhi Government is to plant 5 lakh trees and shrubs across the national Capital in a day. The plantation drive is meant to increase the Delhi's green cover so as to fight the menace of air pollution.
The Chief Minister was joined by thousands others in his initiative. Officials said around one lakh students and residents participated in the campaign at 600 locations spread across the city. A large number of schoolchildren attended the tree plantation event held at Yamuna flood plains at Garhi Mandu in Usmanpur. The Chief Minister encouraged the students to plant saplings near their house and take care of it.
“Planting trees will be a solution to the pollution we are creating, as well as the pollution created by others. We need to plant a lot more trees.
“I am happy to see thousands of students planting trees. I want you all to go back home and plant more trees near your house. The Government officials will take care of the plants you have planted here. The trees you will plant at your home will be your responsibility,” said Kejriwal.
He also said the studies have shown 70 per cent of pollution in Delhi originated beyond its borders, but “this could not be an excuse to avoid tackling the situation”.
“Apart from massive plantation, we also need to reduce pollution,” he said. Around 32,000 saplings were planted at the venue of the event, a government official informed.
The Delhi Government's Environment and Forest Secretary A K Singh said the target is to plant 32.5 lakh trees in the current year. So far, around 15 lakh have been planted, informed the official. Delhi Ministers Satyendar Jain and Rajendra Pal Gautam, AAP MLAs and party leader Dilip Pandey also attended the tree plantation campaign. Delhi's Environment Minister Imran Hussaain also planted a sapling at his residence.
Under the plantation drive, the New Delhi Municipal Corporation (NDMC) on Saturday planted over 10,000 saplings of trees, 33,895 shrubs, 3,77,650 ground cover and 23 palm in 14 circles, the NDMC said in a official statement.