Surajpur Police on Sunday booked Shamodh Paikra, nephew of Chhattisgarh Home Minister Ramsevak Paikra, for charges of sexually exploiting a girl allegedly for more than four years on pretext of marriage. A case has been registered at Chendra Police Station of Surajpur district of Surguja region.
Earlier, the victim ran pillar to post to get her complaint registered in police station but was shown the door. later, case was registered after intervention of Inspector General of Police (IGP) Surguja range.
Superintendent of Police Surajpur G.S. Jaiswal informed that the girl came in contact of Shamodh while studying at school of Chendra in 2014. Soon their friendship extended in love affair. Whenever the girl pressed for marrying her, Shamodh backtracked asserting that the girl was not adult and thus he can’t marry her. Soon, their intimacy increased and they developed physical relationship.
The girl also became pregnant and Shamodh pressurized for abortion.
The girl denied and she later delivered the baby.
Sexual relationship continued thereafter too and Shamodh always promised her for getting married soon.
later on father of the accused died and he got appointment in South Eastern Coalfield limited (SECl). After getting job, he then married another girl. Disappointed with the marriage of Shamodh and distressed over the alleged breach of promise, the victim girl decided to file a complaint.
She approached Chendra Police Station but her plea was not heard as the matter was related to a person belonging to be relative of Home Minister.
However, a case under section 376 was later registered after intervention of IGP, Surguja.