A story of hope, how a shepherd grandson fulfils his grandmother’s last wish, film Gauru showcases the reality of relationships. The movie was screened at Madhya Pradesh State Tribal Museum here on Thursday. The movie was screened under the regular film screenings of children’s movies ‘Ullas’.
The movie was directed by Ramkishan Choyal. The movie features Ritwik Sahore and Ila Arun in the lead characters of the movie. The film takes the audience on an unusual expedition where a grandson only focuses on his grandmother’s wish. Set at the backdrop of Rajathani village, the film impresses the audience with its realism and beautiful content. The colourful and rich tradition of Rajasthan is shown in the entire film that makes it even more interesting to watch.
The story tells about the life of 13-year-old Gauru’s grandmother who is on deathbed has never been to her native place after marriage. It’s her last wish to go her native place. Grandmother’s village is a difficult and distant place to reach. It is million miles away.
It’s time of draught and Gauru’s father can’t fulfill his mother’s last wish. The story is how Gauru fulfills her grandmother’s last wish by taking the journey against all odds and still surviving
Born in a village in Rajasthan, Ramkishan Choyal is a B.Sc Chemistry graduate from Gujarat state with Mass Communication Course.