Acceptance of God is the key

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Acceptance of God is the key

Sunday, 25 June 2017 | Ajit Kumar Bishnoi

Acceptance of God is the key

When we begin to accept God and, more importantly, begin to follow His instructions, we qualify for His mercy, which translates into enormous benefits, AJIT KUMAR BISHNOI explains how

Why do I say thisIJ I will cite some common examples from day to day life where acceptance makes all the difference; one derives many kinds of benefits. How does a child treat his motherIJ She is everything to him. In return, he gets her unconditional love. She takes his care as much as she possibly can. What does a good guru do for his discipleIJ He tries to impart the best education/training; there is nothing held back which could benefit the recipient. How about a reliable, qualified doctorIJ Does he hold back anything when he treats his patientsIJ No, he treats the patient to the best of his ability.

We all know what good friends do for us. We get all the help, which those persons can give. Some mothers even leave their children in the care of their friends when they have some urgent duty to do away from home. A trusted commander’s word is all that soldiers need and they are prepared to stake their lives. They know in their hearts that the commander will not let them down. Same is the case in teams, in which a respected leader is followed without any reservation.

Why do people leave their valuable jewellery in bank lockersIJ Because they accept that it is safe there. Same fact holds true in case of flying; one accepts that the airlines one is using is safe. In case of good employers, employees feel assured that they will be dealt with properly. lastly, citizens of a country follow the laws of the land accepting them as good for them.

All these examples clearly indicate that acceptance is highly beneficial. Yes, one which we accept must be deserving of our trust. We can all agree that no one can be more trustworthy than God. However, this is the starting point. We must accept God in toto, ie all His instructions. Once we do that, we will begin to embrace reality and not be confused with thoughts of something happening by chance, because every effect has a definite cause. God is perfect and the system He has set in place is perfect.

Once we embrace this reality, then, we are convinced of God’s superior position; He is different from all of us; we are all His parts only. We will accept that He is omnipresence, omniscience and omnipotent. How else can He set up a system as large as the whole creation. We, being His parts, can always seek His help by following His instructions. Because of this system, we can count upon getting the fruits of our pious deeds. Similarly, we cannot also escape the punishments for our impious deeds. We will realise the inevitability of diseases, old age and death for our material bodies. like the material body, pleasures and miseries are also not permanent; they come and go. (The Bhagavad Gita 2.14)

When we begin to accept God and, more importantly, begin to follow His instructions, we qualify for His mercy, which translates into enormous benefits. We become peaceful, which is a rare achievement. We can count on God’s help when we are in trouble. God not only warns us about likely dangers through intuitions but also guides us perfectly. (10.11) let us not forget that we get real knowledge, memory and removal of delusion from God only. (15.15)

We can have the most reliable and capable friend, which God offers to become. (5.29) We can even afford to relax leaving our future to God; we don’t have to worry about it. We just have to trust His instructions and follow them. Yes, ultimately it is His world but God is ours. By accepting God we are no longer strangers in this world fighting for survival but are very much part of a very elaborate system, which will take care of us very well giving us a highly satisfying life with a very bright future awaiting us.

Bishnoi is a spiritual writer and can be reached at

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