Tansen Award to Pt Kashalkar

| | Bhopal
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Tansen Award to Pt Kashalkar

Friday, 22 December 2017 | Staff Reporter | Bhopal

Renowned classical singer Pandit Ulhas Kashalkar will be conferred the National Tansen Award of the year 2017 by Madhya Pradesh Government. He will be presented  the award at the Tansen Music Festival at Gwalior on Friday and will be felicitated with the honour.

It is to be noted that he will be awarded under this respect established in the field of Hindustani classical music. He will be given a cash prize of Rs 2 lakh, a memento and a shawl.

The decision to honour Pandit Ulhas Kashalkar with this honor was taken recently on the basis of unanimous decision in the meeting of the selection committee constituted for this honour. The committee included classical singer Pandit Satyal Deshpande, Pakavaj maestro Pandit Dalchand Sharma, guitar player, Kamla Shankar, music reviewer Manjari Sinha and Rabindra Mishra.

Pandit Ulhas Kashalkar, who is honored with this respect, currently resides in Pune. He is an accomplished singer of homemaker music tradition. He was born in a family devoted to music.

 His father Pandit ND Kashalkar was a well-known musician and advocacy was his profession. Ulhas Kashalkar found the rituals of music in his own affair.

later, he got guidance from Pandit Rajabhau Kogaje and Prof Prabhakar Rao Khardnavides. Pandit Ulhas Kajalkar earned big height in the field of music through his tireless cultivation and creative work. Excellent meetings of his singing have been held at home and abroad.

His longstanding disciple is a tradition. Kajalakar ji has received Padmashree, Sangeet Natak Akademi Award, Basavraj Rajguru Award and more.


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