Chhillar is brand ambassador

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Chhillar is brand ambassador

Friday, 01 December 2017 | PNS | Chandigarh

Miss World Manushi Chhillar, who hails from Haryana, has been made brand ambassador for “anaemia-free Haryana” campaign.

Chief Minister Manohar lal on Thursday announced that the State Government will launch a programme to prevent anaemia among children in Haryana for which Miss World Manushi Chhillar would be the brand ambassador.

The announcement was made during a joint press conference held by Chief Minister and Manushi Chhillar in Kurukshetra.

At present, Haryana is struggling to combat high rate of malnutrition among children and pregnant women.

As per the NFHS (2015-16), 34 percent of children under 5 years of age are stunted (height for age), 29.4 percent are underweight (weight for age), and 21.2 percent are wasted (weight for height) in Haryana.

Besides, 72.9 percent children (6-59 months) have anaemia while 62.7 percent women (age 15-49) are anaemic in the state. The NFHS had further revealed that 55 percent pregnant women including 58.1 percent in rural areas and 50.2 percent in urban Haryana are anaemic.

To tackle the problem malnutrition in women and children in the state, Haryana Government has announced to launch a project under which fortified wheat flour and other food items would be distributed in association with HAFED. The State Government has also proposed to set up a State level Board for consultation and stronger development of agri-food value chains in Haryana.

Meanwhile, the Chief Minister also announced to extend support to the “Shakti Project” being carried out by Manushi Chhillar to spread awareness among girls about menstrual hygiene.

The State Government would make free supply of sanitary napkins in all schools of the state to further promote the “Shakti project”. A sum of Rs 18 crore would be spent on this scheme, said Manohar lal.21-year-old Manushi was crowed Miss World 2017 at a ceremony held in China on November 18. Manushi, whose family belongs to Haryana and lives in New Delhi, is pursuing her MBBS degree from the Bhagat Phool Singh Government Medical College for Women in Khanpur Kalan village in Sonepat.

Born in Rohtak town, Manushi had studied in St. Thomas School in New Delhi.

Congratulating Manushi Chhillar for her achievement which brought laurels to the state and the nation at the global level, Manohar lal said it was a matter of pride and happiness that our daughter, after becoming Miss World, had selected International Gita Mahotsav programme for her first visit to Haryana.

Manushi’s answer to the last question “which profession deserves the highest salary and why” paved the way for her to secure the Miss World title, he added.

Speaking on this occasion, Manushi Chhillar said Haryana had given her a lot. Being a medical student of Khanpur Medial College, famous for girls’ education, she had a dream to do something for girls in Haryana.

She lauded the efforts made and initiatives taken by the State Government to improve the sex ratio in Haryana.

When asked whether she will make her career in medical profession or in Bollywood, Manushi Chhillar said five Indian women had won the Miss World Crown.

Out of them, only two had opted to become actresses. It is not necessary to move towards glamour world, she .

Chairperson of Miss World Organization, Julia Morley, Additional Chief Secretary, School Education, KK Khandelwal among others were also present on this occasion. 

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