Paving the way for the release of lecturer Teacher (lT) examination result, the Nainital High Court (HC) has asked the Uttarakhand Board of Technical Education to declare the pending result before January 30. A single bench of Justice Sudhanshu Dhulia, while hearing the petition of Nainital resident, Rajjan Kaphlatia on Friday asked the board to declare the result of lT examination on 90 per cent of the total seats. The result of remaining 10 per cent seats reserved for statehood activists would be declared later.
To fulfil large number of vacant posts of lT in various Inter colleges and high schools of the state the Uttarakhand Board of Technical Education had released an advertisement for 931 posts in the month of February 2014. After
much delay the examination was finally held on March 29 last year.
However to the discomfort of the aspirants the result of the examination is yet to be released by the board. It is learnt that the department is planning to complete the process of internal
promotion of the teachers before releasing the result of lT examination and it is causing the delay in the release of the result.
The aspirants alleged that they are being misled by both the education directorate and the Uttarakhand board of technical education as both of them are blaming each other for the delay.