God takes multiple forms

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God takes multiple forms

Sunday, 22 February 2015 | Ajit Kumar Bishnoi

God takes multiple forms

Gods and goddesses are expansions created by God to perform certain functions, says AJIT KUMAR BISHNOI

It is a well known fact that God is one. We are in a single unitary creation, which is created, maintained and annihilated by that Supreme Person only. This Supreme Person is not limited to one form only; he takes many forms and also incarnates in various other forms like lord Krishna, lord Rama, etc. God is unlimited and lord Krishna as God displays this to a certain extent, as described in The Bhagavad Gita’s 11th chapter. I quote Arjuna as he sees God’s divine supernatural form known as Vishwarupa: “I see your innumerable forms on all sides. (11.16) I see in your body lord Brahma seated on a lotus throne. (11.15) Groups of gods (read goddesses also) are entering you only”. (11.21)

Knowers of the Sanatana Dharma are aware that God takes three main forms for the proper functioning of the material world (creation). These three forms are related to the three modes of the material nature, which are goodness, passion and darkness. God, as lord Brahma, is in charge of creation in the mode of goodness. By praying to him, we can get creativity. Goddess) Saraswati is his daughter and is the one we approach for excelling in learning. God, as lord Vishnu, maintains the material creation. I quote from The Bhagavad Gita, “I only am the maintainer.” (9.18) This is done in the mode of passion. lord Vishnu empowers us to accomplish our duties. He is much pleased when we chant Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya. Rather this is a very easy way to get lord’s attention and mercy.

God, as lord Shiva, has taken the responsibility of removal of negative emotions and feelings, which are in the mode of darkness. And when the material creation gets highly degraded, lord Shiva destroys it, and God as lord Brahma starts the process of recreating the material universe. During the existence of the material creation, lord Shiva can be approached for help in getting rid of fears, jealousy, anger, greed, lust, etc. by praying to Him. Devotees of God have found that the mantra Om Namah Shivaya works wonders for the removal of all fears. We have a sure solution to rid ourselves of this crippling feeling whenever we are overtaken by some fear.

In the 10th chapter of The Bhagavad Gita, lord Krishna states that there is no end to God’s manifestations. He has described some of his opulences and has detailed some of his forms and expansions. I am quoting a few: “I am Vishnu. I am Shankara. I am Rama. I only am the spiritual science”.

Before I conclude, let me state that gods and goddesses have been assigned by God to perform certain functions. He states, “In this world, human beings, desirous of achieving success in activities, worship demigods. Success in this case, due to such action, is quite quickly achieved.” Any devotee, who desires to worship whoever, whoever with faith, I establish his, his firm faith towards his form (god) only. Driven by that faith, he (devotee), desires to worship (a particular god), and achieves those desires, from him- that god, as prescribed by Me only. (7.22)

learning all these facts, a wise person will approach God in a manner that is best suited to his needs. From my personal experience, I can vouch for the fact that the solutions mentioned herein work like a charm. When I chant Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya I have been empowered to do what I could have never imagined. Similarly, chanting Om Namah Shivaya gets rid of my fears very effectively. I have tried many other options but none of them has worked. I welcome your comments.

Bishnoi is a spiritual writer and can be reached at spiritual@ajitbishnoi.com

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