With complaints of large-scale rigging in West Bengal, Bihar and western Uttar Pradesh, BJP’s prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi on Sunday took the Election Commission head on accusing it of not acting impartially and daring it to act against him by lodging another case, besides the two cases registered for his alleged violation of Model Code of Violation after casting his vote in Gandhinagar.
Charging the EC with failing to do its duty despite enjoying powers greater than the Prime Minister and the entire Government machinery at its disposal, Modi — campaigning in Asansol — questioned the poll watchdog’s intentions for not acting. “Why are you not actingIJ What is your intentionIJ If you feel wrong about what I am saying now, then you are free to lodge another case against me,” Modi said. He accused the poll panel of having failed to take appropriate action in dealing with complaints of poll violence and booth rigging in West Bengal, Bihar and western Uttar Pradesh.
Modi’s stinging attack came a day after the BJP on Saturday petitioned the EC complaining about massive rigging, violence and intimidation of voters in Bengal by the Trinamool Congresss during the April 30 polls in nine constituencies. “It is your responsibility to ensure impartial polls.I am making very serious allegations against you. You have failed to stop rigging and violence in these areas. False cases have been filed against our candidate Babul Supriyo. Election Commission’s work is to protect people. I request you to fulfil your responsibilities in the right way.”
“Democracy doesn’t work like this. I know that in the elections on April 30, how much rigging took place. Will this game go onIJ” he asked. Recalling that he had said in Uttar Pradesh also that in some areas problems are going to happen, he pointed out: “But the EC could do nothing. Today I am saying it again that in Bengal, Bihar and western Uttar Pradesh the same thing is going to happen. Is it not the responsibility of the EC that elections should be peaceful, there should be no rigging, no violenceIJ”
The BJP sought to downplay its prime ministerial candidate’s remarks, saying he was merely making a “suggestion”. “He is just making a suggestion as any other political leader would do, which by the way other political parties in West Bengal have also made. The left has also made,” BJP national spokesperson MJ Akbar told reporters when asked if Modi was challenging the EC. Akbar said that political parties are resorting to “hooliganism” as they know that the ground beneath them was slowly slipping away.