D.A.V. Public School, Sector-4, Bokaro Steel City, is set to host a groundbreaking space science exhibition titled The Cosmos on December 12 and 13, 2024. This unique event will be inaugurated by the esteemed Chief Guest, Birendra Kumar Tiwari, Director In-Charge of Bokaro Steel Plant. Known for his vision and leadership, Tiwari's participation underscores the importance of fostering scientific curiosity among young minds.
The exhibition will serve as a platform for students and parents to explore the wonders of space science through interactive displays and activities. Scheduled for two days, the first day (Thursday, December 12) will be dedicated to students and guests, while the second day (Friday, December 13) is reserved for parents. Both sessions will be held from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM in the school's Assembly Hall.
Under the leadership of Principal S.S. Kar, the school continues to emphasize the importance of scientific learning in shaping young minds. The event is further supported by prominent dignitaries such as R.K. Sethi (Honorary Treasurer, D.A.V. CMC), B.S. Jayaswal (Vice-Chairman, LMC), and M.K. Sinha (ARO, Jharkhand Zone B).
With DIC Tiwari's encouragement and D.A.V.'s commitment to holistic education, The Cosmos promises to inspire participants to look beyond the ordinary and explore the infinite possibilities of science and space.