A two day life skill workshop was organised at Rabindranath Tagore University that concluded on Wednesday.
Department of ‘Life Science’, under the convenorship of Madhu Mishra, faculty in ‘Life Science’ department, Rabindranath Tagore University (RNTU), Bhopal has organized two-days skill-based workshop on “Workshop on Skill Development'.
The objective of this workshop was to make the participants to realize the importance of the ‘computer skill’ and ‘soft skill’ for their growth as well to develop skills for the development of the nation.
The workshop has been commenced with the address by Pragya Shrivastava, HoD of ‘Life Science’ Department, RNTU.
The speaker on the first day was Deepak Garg, Executive Officer, Training Cell, RNTU. He has explained the importance of soft skill such as M. S. Word, Power Point and Excel.
The session was very much informative in nature. The second day session has been held by Ms. Vaishali Tiwari, Executive Officer, Placement Cell, RNTU.
Tiwari stressed on how the ‘soft skill’ is unlocking more than million job opportunities worldwide and explained the scope of skill building in today’s world. The valedictory session has been addressed by Madhu Mishra and she proposed the vote of thanks to the speakers for such wonderful sessions.