BSSS and UNICEF will work to promote child rights and work together on child centric issues. As a part of the association, the Bhopal School of Social Science and UNICEF, Madhya Pradesh will start a certificate programme on child rights.
The certificate programme will have modules on various aspects of child rights, reporting and various laws on child rights; BSSS will support GoBlue movement of UNICEF as part of their support to 30th anniversary celebration of signing of The Convention on the Rights of the Child.
This association will also cover engagement of young people on Child rights and roll out of results-based management among stakeholders of child rights.
Michael Juma, Chief, UNICEF, Madhya Pradesh and Principal of BSSS Fr John PJ met on Friday with their teams to formalise this association.
Fr John PJ said that this partnership would be for long term. BSSS and UNCEF share many common social values, agenda and commitment to work for children.
During the official launch ceremony, Michael Juma, Chief UNICEF, Madhya Pradesh said that child rights are entitlements for every child and introduction of course at BSSS, will result into training of pool of human resources that would seamlessly advocate for child rights in every sphere. Anil Gulati, Communication Specialist, UNICEF Madhya Pradesh, Sujan Sarkar, PME Officer, UNICEF Abraham Varghese Head of Department of Social Work Department, BSSS and Assistant Professor and Research Cell In-charge, BSSS Rutwik J Gandhe were present in the meet and participated in the discussion to start this collaboration.