Now the voters will have coloured electoral photo identity card with the Election Commission of India replacing the official black and white colour with different colour combination for preparing the said cards.
The basic purpose of preparing the photo electoral card in colour as the officials concerned of the Nainital district administration said,is to do away with the problems like poor image of photocopy of a voter identity card. But the quality of the coloured voter identity card is quite superior and these cards are made of plastic, said Akshyat Gupta, District Election Officer/ District Magistrate, Nainital.
The image remains very poor after photocopy of a black and whitevoter identity card, which used to create problem for the bearer ofthe card while using the same for some official works. But the people won’t have to face such problem after introduction of the colouredphoto electoral card as the quality of these new cards is superior,added Gupta.